Saturday, September 15, 2012

Government of Nepal + Private sector development policy and entrepreneurship

So ...  finally after 20 years of economic liberalization,Nepali government has realize that existing policy for private sector development sucks and it need to be revamped ....The Government has started consultation with    private sector umbrella bodies (FNCCI &CNI) to brain storm on ideas  on what kind of private sector development policy will create long term sustainable economic growth...Employment data from early 1990s to 2010 suggests that it is  not the large scale  industries that help create more jobs and social harmony , but it the SMEs ......... If government objective is to create a sustainable economy  than development of entrepreneurial eco- system  and growth in SMEs should be the focus of  the new private sector development policy.............................

Here are two suggestion for the Nepali government

Suggestion one from Nation Planning Commission-India 

Suggestion two from Steve Blank's articleWhy Governments Don’t Get Startups

"Not understanding and agreeing what “Entrepreneur” and “Startup” mean can sink an entire country’s entrepreneurial ecosystem." Click here to read more 

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