Nation is ill politically and economically .To diagnose and provide remedies for its political illness 601 constitution assembly members have been working hard or at least pretending to do so ,but to treat the nation’s economic malady little or no efforts is being made . Now when the economic condition in of the country is rapidly detiorating and the nation has been admitted into intensive care unit, Nepal Rastra bank and Ministry of Finance, agencies in charge to look after the economic health of the nation is prescribing ineffective solution. The main reason for the falling health of Nepal is the ballooning balance of payment (BOP) deficit. To lessen the pain cause by the bop deficit treatment like introduction of diaspora bond has been introduce. Despite having a good intention of dispora bond to first negate negatively bop and then contribute to the nation infrastructural development , the urgency of crisis suggest this is not the right solution .
The reasons why people are going to reluctant to invest in the dispora bond are
•Inflation is Nepal is already very high ,return on the bond will be less than the inflation rate
•Looking at the bleak political scenario of the nation and raising sovereign risk ,I feel bond will be under scribe .
•Country where saving rate is just 10 % bond maturity period of 5 years is too high
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