Sunday, February 7, 2010

It's politics stupid ..

Switching of balance of payment surplus to deficit, capital flight exacerbated by the political instability, mob mentality labor force, marginal growth in remittances ,liquated crunch ,high credit to deposit ration of commercial banks, double digit food inflation, bearish equity market have finally attracted the attention of fiscal and monetary policy markers. Even the prime minster and the finance minster ,who until recently were selling their hallow rhetoric of high growth rate and economic development now believe that Nepal waning economic health is a serious cause of concern. As reported by this news paper, Finance minister Surendra Pandey has requested the fund (IMF) to access the macro economic situation of the country and provide recommendation. No one doubts the IMF credentials and I am sure that at the end of the day , International monetary fund -often called as a spokes person of the “Washington Consensus” will recommend polices that will revolve around free-market, pro-trade and globalization policies .But the question that arises is will the set of policies that will recommend by the IMF will solve our macro-economic concern of the ? Analyzing the impasse between the political parties despite of the hundreds of high level political maneuvering mechanism committee clearly state that no matter what polices or economic models you import either influenced by the proponents of Adam Smith or Karl Marx , or any school of thought between these too , unless there is a atmosphere in Nepalese politics in which all the political parties despite the differences they have develop a understanding to work together, no economic development can take place .Heterodoxy, openness, and reasoned discourse are the fruits of democracy and one should enjoy it but when devouring the fruits, one should not eat the seed of the fruits. The seed should be planted carefully so that it grows up to feed the generation to come.

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