Saturday, September 5, 2009

THE DOHA round ,NEPAL ... BI or multiLateral

Trade minsters of several countries of the World decided to end the impasse and resume the DOHA talk.Trade minsters said they are committed to end the negotiation by end of 2010.If the Doha negotiation is a success,then LDC like Nepal could reap a huge benefit from this multilateral trade agreement.
Although,India proclaims to be the ambassador/godfather of all the LDC countries, and shows that it is fighting for the intrest of all the LDC.The real deal is that India manipulate the negotiation for its own political interest....You might all remember well how UPA-1,Commerce Minister Kamal nath was the first one to put the last talks in Impasse.

India in one hand talks about Multilateral trade agreement,which take into consideration the issues ( especially agricultural) of all the underdeveloped countries.IN other hand India is the one who has been signing bilateral agreement (with south Korea ) ....

"The danger with bilaterals in agriculture issues is that it may isolate some countries. The reason why developing countries have a strong position today is because they are negotiating together,” said
Biswajit Dhar

In 2001 there were just 49 bilateral and regional free-trade agreements (FTAs) in place. A deal signed last month between India and South Korea raised the total to 167

India’s deal with ASEAN last year, for instance, put aside the poisonous question of farm trade, which was one of the deal-breakers in the Doha talks last July.

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